Saturday, January 3

taking off my straw hat for you

oh my jesus, sometimes i just love the internet. so far today i have wasted many hours that could have been better (?) spent on such activities as: cleaning the apartment, consolidating my debts into one horrifying chase visa balance, scraping out the menagerie's shitbox, and a whole host of other things. how have i done so, you ask? staring at t-shirts and listening to thirty-second clips of music. as a result i have learned two things: 1) a life without a wacom tablet is a life half-lived and 2) antony and the johnsons, where have you been all this time? oh, that's right, in new york. i don't like to spend too much time in new york because it smells like people, and people, as a general rule, don't smell so good.

what? they don't!

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