Monday, February 23 - contumacious

if green muck emerges when i cough, i stay home from work. the little children have enough to deal with - specifically, that they're stuck in a room with 23 other little children for seven to ten hours without a break - and i don't need to be adding bacterial infection to the mix. this is possibly ironic, if ironic is the word i want - and it might not be, it doesn't seem to like being the word i want - because in all likelihood one of those little vectors of disease in an argyle sweater from the children's place made me sick.

oh but they're so cute and when i don't see them for a few days i get sad. that's how i know it's the right job for me. i don't even mind wiping snot! i thought i would but i don't.

while i wait for the fine people at walgreen's to fill my antibiotics prescription and my self-imposed deadline of nine o'clock to arrive (at which time i have to take a stab at my homework, part 1 of 4) i have been reading O the oprah magazine. my SFL loves this publication and i can see why. in the past month or so, because of the little devils with 2T dresses on, i have been home sick a number of times and have perfected my popular-magazine-reading technique:

1. take it page by page.
2. have the digital oversoul on standby.
3. open a separate browser tab thingy for each item of interest.
4. after the last page, explore the wonders of capitalism, tab by tab.

i have learned a new term from my magazine reading: recessionista. my contribution to the recessionista lifestyle is this time-intensive magazine reading technique. you are guaranteed to get your $4.50 worth of mindless entertainment, especially if you first acquired the magazine in question from the basket in your therapist's waiting room.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I'm glad you're good at magazine reading--might I suggest something from the Martha Stewart canon?

Before you judge, take a look at this: